What I do: I oversee the worship department at Northview, and though my main visible role is leading in services on weekends, my greater role is empowering and equipping other leaders, and to see the greater community grow in their love and worship of God.

Spouse: Breanna

Children: Elijah (2015) and Maisy (2017). Unbiased fact, easily the cutest kids to walk this earth.

Education: Biblical Studies Graduate with a focus in Worship Arts, from Columbia Bible College; also Northview Intern Program.

How I got involved with Northview: I started out at Northview as an intern back in 2012, and I’m like that really bad foot fungus you can never get rid of. I’ve loved being a part of Northview – it really has become home.

Hope and vision for Northview – to see people grow in their knowledge of God, that their knowledge of God would have a direct impact on their love and passion for God, and that that passion would spill over into all areas of their lives. My prayer is that people would be excited to come to church and to be the church!

A few of my favorite things: My family! I absolutely love and adore them all! I’m a big fan of Liverpool FC, the Seahawks, and the Canucks. Also, gluten… because let’s be honest, gluten-free stuff wouldn’t be so bad if it just had a little gluten in it.

Favourite kind of music: I’m a product of the 90’s, so anything grungy will suit my fancy just fine. I’m also a closet fan of 80’s glam rock, which I guess is no longer a closet passion, seeing as how it’s on the internet now. But actually, the only genre I really can’t listen to more than 1 song per-day of, is country – it’s just depressing.

Favourite author: CS Lewis was my favourite during my formative years in my faith, and as a student of the worship arts, I’m a fan or Robert E. Webber and Constance Cherry.

I like this quote: “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. – C.S. Lewis

Favourite scripture – Job 38 – every word of it, hands down.

Hometown: Born in Vancouver – raised in Abbotsford.
