What I do: I am the Interim Executive Pastor of Ministry Development and the Mission Campus Pastor.

Wisdom or bit of advice: A.W Tozer says it best; “For not only does sound reason direct us to refuse the guidance of those who do or teach anything wrong, but it is by all means vital for the lover of truth, regardless of the threat of death, to choose to do and say what is right even before saving his own life.”

Spouse: Tamara Okoti

Favorite preacher: I have a long list of preachers whom I enjoy… here is my short list…
John Piper – he is diligent in teaching the text.
Tim Keller – Has a deep awareness of cultural trends and a has a beautiful way of contextualizing the gospel message to challenge cultural trends.
Alistair Begg – Always challenging, always passionate, always down-to-earth.
John Neufeld – A student of the word. Has a deep commitment to expositional preaching.

Favorite author: I love reading biographies, classics by men like J. Edwards, J. Calvin, M. Luther among many others plus a variety of contemporary authors such as D.A Carson, John Piper, A. Mohler, N.T Wright and others.

I like this quote: “Involuntary ignorance is not charged against you as a fault; but your fault is this—-you neglect to inquire into the things you are ignorant of.” Augustine

Hometown: Nairobi Kenya
